
 What is Python

Python is a general purpose, dynamic, high-level, and interpreted programming language. It supports Object Oriented programming approach to develop applications. It is simple and easy to learn and provides lots of high-level data structures.

Python is easy to learn yet powerful and versatile scripting language, which makes it attractive for Application Development.

Python's syntax and dynamic typing with its interpreted nature make it an ideal language for scripting and rapid application development.

Python supports multiple programming pattern, including object-oriented, imperative, and functional or procedural programming styles.

Python is not intended to work in a particular area, such as web programming. That is why it is known as multipurpose programming language because it can be used with web, enterprise, 3D CAD, etc.

We don't need to use data types to declare variable because it is dynamically typed so we can write a=10 to assign an integer value in an integer variable.

Python makes the development and debugging fast because there is no compilation step included in Python development, and edit-test-debug cycle is very fast.

Python History

Python was invented by Guido van Rossum in 1991 at CWI in Netherland. The idea of Python programming language has taken from the ABC programming language or we can say that ABC is a predecessor of Python language.

There is also a fact behind the choosing name Python. Guido van Rossum was a fan of the popular BBC comedy show of that time, "Monty Python's Flying Circus". So he decided to pick the name Python for his newly created programming language.

Python has the vast community across the world and releases its version within the short period.

Why learn Python?

Python provides many useful features to the programmer. These features make it most popular and widely used language. We have listed below few-essential feature of Python.

  • Easy to use and Learn
  • Expressive Language
  • Interpreted Language
  • Object-Oriented Language
  • Open Source Language
  • Extensible
  • Learn Standard Library
  • GUI Programming Support
  • Integrated
  • Embeddable
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation
  • Wide Range of Libraries and Frameworks

Where is Python used?

Python is a general-purpose, popular programming language and it is used in almost every technical field. The various areas of Python use are given below.

  • Data Science
  • Date Mining
  • Desktop Applications
  • Console-based Applications
  • Mobile Applications
  • Software Development
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Web Applications
  • Enterprise Applications
  • 3D CAD Applications
  • Machine Learning
  • Computer Vision or Image Processing Applications.
  • Speech Recognitions
  • Python Popular Frameworks and Libraries

    Python has wide range of libraries and frameworks widely used in various fields such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, web applications, etc. We define some popular frameworks and libraries of Python as follows.

    • Web development (Server-side) - Django Flask, Pyramid, CherryPy
    • GUIs based applications - Tk, PyGTK, PyQt, PyJs, etc.
    • Machine Learning - TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib, Scipy, etc.
    • Mathematics - Numpy, Pandas, etc.

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